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Somatic trauma therapy and attachment healing

Through the wisdom of your body, experience self-connection and soul healing.


 "Riza's ability to sense into what is happening below the surface

at any given time is in the top few percent."


-Aidan Morrison, Coach, Therapist, Trainer, Consultant


There is nothing more valuable than inner work because it enables you to actually enjoy life.

Working through painful emotions and life situations can be really challenging, and it may be very beneficial to receive support.


Whether you're navigating past traumas, seeking to integrate fragmented parts of yourself, or simply yearning for a deeper connection with your body and mind, somatic parts work sessions can bring deep healing.

"Riza came into my life when I was dealing with some very painful personal experiences. He is thoughtful, intentional, comforting, and incredibly kind. In very few sessions, I began feeling closer to my emotions and more connected with myself and my body.  I have never worked with a therapist that I felt genuinely cared until we met.  The work he moved me through has been  a resource I carry with me daily  and he taught me how easily accessible it is, even when we are not in a session. 10/10, I recommend him to friends and am highly impressed and grateful!"



- Sam Fly, Artist

In somatic parts work sessions, I facilitate the release of stored tension and emotions, allowing you to reclaim your vitality and authenticity.


Opening stuck layers, we gently yet powerfully release the false identity and its unnecessary self-protection mechanisms.


We work to relieve past hurt, pain, and difficulty, tapping into truth and safety as you journey towards the embodied enjoyment of more relational ease and emotional well-being.




Just as in nature where there is a natural self-correcting system, our body and soul is also designed to

self-correct towards balance and health.

1-on-1 sessions for integration and healing

  • relieving difficult life experiences

  • working through painful emotions and situations

  • increasing enjoyment and connection

  • gaining access to your soul and essential vitality 

  • experiencing self-connection and confidence

  • resolving relationship issues toward healthy attachment

  • healing into money, health & wellbeing


“The energy and the reality that Riza helps me connect to is amazing. I think he can help a lot of people with his work. The work together has helped me to  deeply find my purpose and to appreciate life in a tangible way.  From his work I have more practical tools  to support me when processing the experience of my life journey.”

- Aisyah, Artist/Jewellery Designer


"Riza is an accomplished professional, excellent at noticing what is emerging at any point in time, very sensitive to subtleties. I have worked with a number of coaches and in my various trainings, a number of other professionals.  Riza's ability to sense into what is happening below the surface at any given time is in the top few percent.  He's a great guy as well."

- Aidan M. Coach, Trainer, Consultant


"I am very grateful to have been working with Riza for the  healing of my emotional wounds.  It's not only his therapy methods of sensing, constellating and speaking that seem to have a great impact in my process of self-acceptance, but also his approach to the healing process through holding  a loving, caring, non-judgmental space for his clients  that makes Riza a great facilitator for healing and integration of all our inner parts. I was actually very glad to find out in our sessions that Riza does what I call 'parts work' - welcoming every voice that shows up in my head and  helping it relax and release the emotional burdens that it has carried for so long.  This welcoming atmosphere that he creates, as well his avoidance of labels or interpretations and his letting the session be guided by what wants to show up in me in the moment and helping that express itself and come into the light is what I actually appreciated so much about his sessions and what I feel truly helps in my healing."

- Irina

Somatic parts work integrates principles from somatic trauma therapy, parts work, family constellations, and various other modalities to facilitate healing and integration on a deep, embodied level.


We work with the aspects or parts of ourselves that carry pain as a response to past experiences, and focus on gently yet powerfully relieving their burden through embodied awareness and integration.


These parts can represent different aspects of the self, such as protective mechanisms, wounded inner children, or suppressed emotions, accessed via somatic sensations and bodily responses.


Clients are supported in tracking and regulating their nervous system arousal, allowing for the safe exploration and processing of emotions and memories stored in the body.


Read more about the work

With non-judgment and compassion, I will gladly hold space for whatever you are experiencing. No problem or emotion is too big or too much to explore together.


Let's work through things together and open the inner layers that allow you to access healing and well-being.


"Riza has been extremely helpful in providing a safe space to explore my inner landscape.

He also provides tools and practices to continue the journey in between sessions. Next to that he is very pleasant to work with. Thank you Riza!"

- Wim

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