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Intellectual property


All materials provided on and via this website are the intellectual property of Riza Sukman. Riza Sukman does not agree with any attempt by a third party to redistribute, reproduce or modify the material for any reason without his consent.


Health Disclaimers


All material on this website is for informative purposes and does not substitute for medical care and diagnosis. The information is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice. We are not medical professionals. When using the information presented, you agree to do so of your own free will and accord, knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks associated with such activities. We can not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided, and can not assume responsibility for any loss or injury resulting its usage.


Privacy and protection of personal data


Like most places on the Internet, our website automatically records basic information about you such as your IP address, when you visited, the website from where you came prior to visiting us, the website where you go when you leave our website, your computer's operating system, and the type of web browser that you are using. 
Cookies record certain information stored on your hard drive. This information enables us to generate statistics based on data from visitors to our site. Cookies do not contain any confidential information about you.
The personal information that you explicitly submit to us of your own action, such as name and email address, are used only for the purposes mentioned while submitting.
You have the  right to access and rectify all the personal information that concerns you, in accordance with European texts and national laws in place (article 34 of the law of 6 January 1978). You can at any time make a request to find out what personal information we hold concerning you. You may at any time, and by request, modify this information.

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